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The Alliance for Responsible Capitalism presents a new competition focused on
the challenges and opportunities around
ESG in the banking sector


Join this competition to develop the sought-after skills to lead sustainable change in a fraught political environment.


  1. ESG insights: Develop an understanding of how the regulatory landscape shapes the field of ESG investing, sometimes in contradictory ways, by hearing from diverse stakeholders related to banking and climate (inbound materiality)

  2. Avenues for impact: Develop an understanding of the levers companies have available to influence the policy landscape on ESG and climate topics, and how companies currently engage in this political space (outbound materiality)

  3. Competitive edge: Cultivate a differentiated skill set in ESG investing and strategy. Rather than simply optimizing a portfolio, find solutions through responsible policy engagement to move the entire financial sector toward net zero  


What recruiters are saying: “There is an enormous sustainability talent shortage, and it is limiting our ability to develop transformative renewable energy projects at scale. Every job we hire for in our MBA recruiting, in every function, requires upskilling for sustainability.”


  • Students are invited to register as teams of 4. 

  • All students in an accredited post-graduate program are eligible to enter, e.g., MBA, MS, MPP, MEM, MFin, JD, PhD, etc. 

  • We recommend bringing in a variety of perspectives and academic backgrounds to create solutions that will be persuasive to the full range of stakeholders considered in this competition. 

  • Finalist teams will be expected to present in-person in Ann Arbor, MI, for the final round on Saturday, February 1. Up to 2 substitutions are allowed. Note that teams will be responsible for travel costs.

  • Undergraduate students are not eligible for this competition, but please stay tuned for future events! 

Volunteer with us

Work with us to deepen your expertise and build a network with experts and leading professionals at the intersection of banking, sustainability, and change management. 


  • Scope of responsibility: recruiting banking industry stakeholders to provide recorded interviews as part of the competition materials and to serve as panelists; organizing and executing recorded interviews; advertising competition within your program. Estimated time commitment: 4-8 hrs between now and Oct 20th. 

  • Benefits: 

    • ​​Networking: by recruiting interviewees and panelists, you will connect with banking stakeholders and experts on a pressing issue in the sector

    • Skill building: by grappling with this dilemma and leading discussions with banking stakeholders, you will deepen your understanding of the challenges around ESG and gain insights into how to address 

    • Impact: by enabling this competition, you will connect banking stakeholders with fresh perspectives from the talent pipeline and spark new ideas for how to lead a market transformation; and you will create interviews that will fill a gap in education on ESG for future cohorts of students. 

  • Eligibility: All students and recent alumni (graduation within the last 2 years) are invited to volunteer! 

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